Monday, May 17, 2010

A boy and his remote

Today was the first time I turned on the TV since we've been home (except for that one time I tried to show Ben an episode of a German children's show that I love). I've been home all day every day and have not seen one episode of Oprah or Ellen, not to mention all of the shows I used to watch at night. Today I figured I will turn on the TV, whether or not my mom thinks it will ruin him for life. It's going to be on all day!


  1. Ben seems to be enjoying "his" remote control:-)

  2. I love his cheeks. I just want so squeeze them!!

  3. Great photo series! Enjoy your day of TV!

  4. I choose to believe that listening to the television helped Zoe pick up English faster :) He's adorable!!!

  5. Joel loves the remote, too! He is fascinated by it. The TV debate is a hard one for me. We usually only watch when I am super crabby or tired. :)

  6. the remote is the best toy ever. bethany loves to push all the buttons.
