Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's 2 a.m.

and I've been up for 2 hours. Somehow we can't get that sleep schedule down.

It's been an exhausting week. Ben no longer needs to be carrie 24/7, which is HUGE. He is starting to get into everything. His favorite hobbies include eating paper and trying to get to the cat food.

The house is a complete mess, there is no time to do anything! And off I go - trying to console screaming baby!


  1. Sandra, hang in there my friend! It will get better! Make sure you take good notes and keep the updates coming! Most importantly, keep that sense of humor of yours - it is worth a million right now! As I said on the BB, nothing worth having is ever easy. You ARE doing great!

  2. Awww...that is rough! I hope the sleep gets better for you guys. Hang in there!

  3. Oooh, this is rough. Sleep when you can and spoil yourself as much as possible!

  4. Lack of sleep is just plain miserable. I remember thinking that if we kept her up and she didn't nap that she'd sleep through the night but it was actually the opposite. The better she napped, the better the night went. Spent a LOT of time driving around Loudoun with her sleeping in the car seat as she wouldn't sleep in the crib (and then proceeded to co-sleep for 3 years but that's a different story :) ). Good luck. Hopefully it will work itself out soon!

  5. Hang in there! It will get better. The first week home with Kyle was HARD! We were getting to know each other and I was still trying to find things for him to do or eat so I could get a few things done! ((HUGS))

  6. Oh boy, sounds like a rough time that everyone seems to go through in the beginning. Here's hoping things get a tad easier soon. Keep up your spirits!!

  7. I know it must seem like forever ago, but you haven't been home that long. I remember thinking that our baby would never get a routine down and we would never sleep again. But one day it just started to happen and then everyday got better. Don't underestimate the challenges of bringing a 9 month old baby into your home with no children. It is hard to go from nothing to a crawling, in to everything baby. He will learn to sleep in his crib and during the right time. He just needs to adjust to the time change and his new life. It's only been 5 months for us. I totally remember what you are going through!
