Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oh that mouth...

Open mouth kisses are a thing of the past... Ben now puckers his lips and makes the appropriate kiss sounds.... He also uses his mouth to make smacking sounds as he feeds his finger puppets Ernie and Elmo (who, by the way, also occasionally make out). And he can now drink out of a regular cup all by himself!!! I love seeing the progress he is making, but this is going too fast!


  1. What a DARLING photo! I love that Ernie and Elmo make out. Does Ben also join in?
    Yay for your boy learning new things!

  2. and, oh, those eyelashes!!!
    it is so bittersweet when they learn new things and grow so fast!!!

  3. i LOVE that photo! those lips! and those eyelashes! they just slay me :) c is starting to make kissy noises,'s so cute!
    i'm cracking up at ernie and elmo making out...ha!

  4. Those lips! Super cuteness and love that he is learning lots of new things.

  5. That picture is amazing! Alexlikes for you to kiss his cheek rather than lips, except for me, I'm allowed ;)

  6. He is so adorable! So cute to watch them grow and learn. So hard to watch them grow up before your eyes! Hugs! And I have to say - I was cracking up at Ernie and Elmo as well! :)

  7. Ben you need to model, or your Mom needs to start a photography business, too cute!

  8. I am in Love!!!! Ben is THE cutest ever :) Can't wait to see him soon again :)

  9. Look at those lips!!! This is my favorite picture of Ben - soooo handsome!!!
